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Constitution & Bylaws


of the County of Lanark Law Association

(As updated in 2012)

1. The Corporate name of this Association shall be “The County of Lanark Law Association”.


2. This updated version of the Constitution of the County of Lanark Law Association replaces the Constitution adopted on December 22, 1923 and any subsequent amendments thereto.

3. This constitution shall not be amended except at an Annual General Meeting and with the approval of two thirds of the members present thereat and after due previous notice to all members of the Association.


4. The Association’s general membership shall be restricted to lawyer members of the Law Society of Upper Canada.

5. The Association’s social membership may be composed of articling students and non-practicing lawyers including, but not limited to, judges, retired lawyers, or lawyers taking a leave of absence or maternity/parental leave.


6. Annual fees of the general membership and the social membership shall be set by resolution of the Executive Committee and fees for the subsequent year shall be approved by the membership at the Annual General Meeting.


7. The Association’s offers shall consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

8. The officers shall form an Executive Committee which shall meet on a quarterly basis.

9. Starting in 2011, the Vice President shall be elected for a term of two years, following which he or she shall serve as President for a term of two years.

10. Starting in 2013, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall, in the year in which the Vice President becomes the President, be elected for terms of four years.

11. The President, with the assistance of the Vice President, shall work to promote the interests of the membership, chair the Executive Committee, liaise with all other committees within the Association, and represent the Association at the County and

District Law Association Presidents’ Association.

12. The Secretary shall hold the books and records of the Association, ensure that annual corporate filings are made, communicate with the membership by producing and distributing a regular newsletter, keep proper minutes of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee, and conduct correspondence and perform such other duties as the executive may require.

13. The Treasurer shall receive all fees, donations and grants from all sources, deposit same in a bank account approved by the Association, and disburse funds when and as authorized by the Executive Committee. He or she shall keep proper records showing the register of members and a record of receipts and disbursements and produce same to the Executive Committee upon request. The Treasurer shall provide regular reports to the membership regarding the financial state of the Association.


14. The library collection shall be maintained in accordance with the policies and requirements of the Law Society of Upper Canada for use by the general membership of the Association.

15. The Executive Committee shall appoint and fix the honorarium of the librarian, who need not be a member of the Association.

16. Under the supervision of the Executive Committee, the librarian shall maintain the library collection, report any problems concerning the library to the Executive Committee, and perform any other tasks requested from time to time by the Executive Committee.

17. A Library Committee elected from among the general membership shall be responsible for ensuring that the collection is updated as appropriate.


18. Starting in 2012 and every two years thereafter, the following committees consisting, preferably, of at least three members, shall be elected from among the membership: Library Committee, Continuing Professional Development Committee, Social Committee, Membership & Development Committee, and any other committee necessary to meet the current needs of the Association (e.g. a Building Committee to address the need for renewal of the court facilities).

19. Committees shall meet on a quarterly basis at minimum.

20. Each committee, including the Executive Committee, shall present a report at the Annual General Meeting. If the members of the committee are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting, the chair shall submit a report to the President in advancefor presentation to the membership.


21. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in May of each year, upon 30 days’ notice from the Executive Committee.

22. In election years, the President shall nominate a Convener of Elections who shall receive nominations until one week prior to the Annual General Meeting and preside over elections at the Annual General Meeting.

23. Notice of those candidates presenting themselves for election shall be provided to the membership via e-mail one week prior to the Annual General Meeting.

24. Members who are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting may submit their vote to the Convener of Elections prior to the Annual General Meeting.

25. Members must give their express consent prior to being elected or re-elected as an officer or as a member of a committee.


26. The Executive Committee may pass resolutions in matters of routine and for the internal working of the Library but any such resolutions shall be reported to the membership.

Looking to become a member of C.O.L.L.A.?

Membership is open to practicing or retired Lawyers and Judges of the County of Lanark.